Saturday, July 23, 2011

Little girl's (almost) fairytale wedding

...Well, not exactly.
Tonight, I think I look at life a little different. People are always saying "the clock is ticking!" (or more like annoying mothers). There's always a rush to spend the rest of your life with someone. I feel like girls ALWAYS feel like they need a boyfriend. Especially now a days. I mean, I see 12, 13 year old girls posting "I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND <333" statuses! The problem, my friends, is that they're never the one. It's always the one you least expect it to be. Sometimes it's a childhood friend you grew up with, sometimes it's the guy you meet at the bar after you get divorced from your husband of a month and a half; but it's never your "first love" Mr. Prince Charming.
I always (even up until today) used to say I wanted to be married young, and if I decided to have kids, have THEM young. Even if not kids, I always thought that if you're 30 and still not happily married, you never will be.
Friends, I was sadly mistaken.
My aunt, that's my dad's sister, was married today. She's been married before, and has two daughters. One being born when she was only 17. She's one of the strongest people I know. She took good care of her daughters and raised some beautiful, smart, responsible women. But she never seemed to find the right guy. Her first kid's dad was pretty much nothing. Didn't meet his daughter until she was a senior in high school. The next one was the one she actually married. I'm not saying he was a terrible guy, because I was only a kid &didn't exactly know the whole story, but I know he didn't treat her right. All I thought about when I seen her was I wish she could get someone who would treat her like the beautiful person she is. About six years ago she started dating this guy, and I never really knew him. Still don't. But they got married tonight, and I've never been happier for her. Her girls are raised up, so are his kids. It's about time she do good for herself. Of course, they've both been there, done that, so the wedding wasn't exactly a black tie affair (I wore a niceish blouse, jean shorts, and flip-flops), but why should it be? It was actually pretty fun. They wore these hilarious T-Shirts. Hers was of a wedding dress &his of a tux. AND THE FOOD! I swear I wasn't even this stuffed on Thanksgiving.

Fairytales don't always end with a Prince Charming. Happily Ever After may be a while and many heartbreaks away; but give it time. You'll find the right one. We all will. Love doesn't have an age limit.
Congrats Aunty R and Uncle J, best wishes to you.

Until next time,

OH! P.S. : Afterwards we stopped at this icecream place and I got Blue Moon. They also had Superman. I thought those flavors were only at this place we used to go when I was little! Such an amazing memory brought back :)

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