Monday, July 25, 2011

Once Upon A Midnight Dreary...

Or more like 3 AM.
To be completely honest, I have no idea why I'm awake.
But anyways, I was having a Buddah Moment and decided to share.

Their= When you want to show ownership. "Their brain is completely empty, because they can't even speak proper English"
There= A place. "There wasn't one person on my newsfeed that understood and used proper grammar this morning."
They're= "Shortcut" for THEY ARE. "They're driving me crazy talking like they're in the 3rd grade."

I never thought about it much before, but when I entered high school I realized exactly how many people there are who don't speak or type proper English. Granted, I still confuse "who" and "whom" and "seen" and "saw," but I have excuses for that (in which you don't want to hear, I know), but I still can't help but feel annoyed when people can't even manage to use the right "to."
I KNOW, IT'S NOT ENGLISH CLASS. #1 comeback when you correct someone. Excuse me, but since when does it have to be English class for you to use your native (and most-likely ONLY fluent) language properly? At 16 years old, we're almost grown adults, functioning citizens. Excuse me for correcting you on something you should have learned in, what, 3rd grade? We've been learning the same crap for years now, where have you been? I went to elementary school in a not-so-great-place we'll call the GHood and I still get the most basic rules of the English Language. When I correct people, I'm not trying to be rude or show off. I'm just trying to help them so that they don't look like complete idiots on job and college applications. Unless you're trying to insult me when I correct you, because then it's just something you had coming.
Look, I know I sound like a crazy person right now, but bear with me here. I don't know what it is, but this has been bothering me for a long time. I actually like it when someone teaches me something new in grammar (I hate being corrected when it was just a typo though). For example, I learned towards the end of the school year that "blonde" and "blond," though both correct terms, actually apply to gender. With the E is feminine, without is masculine. Same goes for brunette. Two of the only words in the English language that actually have alternate spellings for different sexes! Haha, I'm a nerd, I know. One of the most awesome nerds you shall ever meet, however!

Short Poem #1
Just in a GRRR kind of mood I suppose.

Forever and ever,
Until the end of time!
... Or do you only say that for the sake of the rhyme?
I don't understand why everything's so hard,
you either know or you don't;
you've been dealt your last card.
I know what love is, why don't you?
Apparently nothing I do is right,
but in the end it all comes back to you.
You say that you love me, and you say that you care,
but cut the crap, you're never freaking there.
I can be crying my eyes out,
wanting to die,
and you'll still never look me in the eye.
So here's to you!
You lying cheat!
With you, my life would never be complete.
But without, oh without!
My heart will flourish!
So be gone, you parasite,
your "love" for me never again nourished.

Until next time,
(P.S. Feel free to comment at any time guys...)


  1. Your poem was really good :) Idk why you say you can't write. Seems like a silly thing to say to me. <3

  2. Hello! Replying to your comment on my blog. Sure, we would love to have you join in with Write On Wednesdays - simply write a blog post in response to the prompt and link it up to the linky on my blog. The link is open Mon- Fri so plenty of time to join in. Hope to see you there


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