Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sometimes, you just don't want to write.

About yourself that is. I really enjoy making people up and writing about their lives. I like to sometimes make their lives harder than mine, and make them get through it. I guess to justify myself, put myself in place. If that makes sense. Sometimes, if I think about it hard enough, I actually get upset. These people, sometimes children, that I write about, that I create, in some ways actually exist. Of course not their exact names and situations, but I know they're out there. It's sad to think about how many people really and honestly do not have the option to eat every day, to sleep in their very own bed, in a warm, dry house. And I wish there was more that I could do except buy them stuff for Toys for Tots and stuff... but we don't have a lot of money either so there's not :/
Anyways, I love to write. I can't explain why, and I can't even explain why everything I write is so different. I just write not exactly what I feel, but whatever comes to me. Sometimes I get an idea and just run with it. I write about the people around me, I write about the situations around me, or even the situations around the other people around me. Nothing I write is perfect, or even that fantastic, but it's mine and it's beautiful to me because I did it myself. All of that goes here now. Or at least a lot of it. This blog is not really about me. Yanno, "Woke up around eight, fought with my parents, cried for an hour, went out to dinnfer-" no. It's my emotions and my thoughts. SO as a warning for the future; if you do not agree with me, adios. You don't have to. And do not assume anything I write is towards you, any other individual you know, OR meant to be rude. :)

Short Poem #2

Once Upon a Star
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
I know exactly what you are.
You may sparkle, you may shine,
but inside? You're a lie.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
you're not even up that far.
You're a satellite, we all know,
just as fake as Hollywood snow.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
what will grant my wish now?


'Till next time,
(comments rock)

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